Monday, 20 May 2024

5 Awesome Tutor Apps You Should Know

It can be hard to know how to bring your tutoring skills more up to date and stay on top of relevancy. Sure, the schoolwork of kids today hasn’t changed much, but in 2019 the way kids are motivated certainly has. It may seem strange to turn to apps to help you tutor more effectively, but there are some wonderful tutor apps out there that will help you meet your goals.

Whether you’re looking for ways to engage students into the material, keep track of your own obligations or connect tutoring sites like Chicago Home Tutors with students from across the globe, there is an app for that. In order to help you sort through the clutter of the app store, here is a list of five tutor apps that can help you best navigate the changing world of tutoring education. 

If you are looking for a reliable and secure solution to facilitate distance learning, you should go with TrueConf, a self-hosted and secure video conferencing platform.

Apart from traditional meetings with up to 1,000 participants, this platform also has a dedicated video conferencing mode for online lectures that would come in handy if you want your students to focus on the learning material only.

A wide range of collaboration and engagement tools, such as screen sharing & slideshow, reactions, polling, instant messaging, file sharing and recording will make your learning experience as engaging and productive as face-to-face classes. What’s important, all the students’ data and recorded lessons are stored locally on your own servers, which guarantees privacy of your personal data.

MyTutor For Tutors

When you need an app that will help you keep track of your tutoring appointments, booking new students and also keep track of assignments you’ve given, you should give MyTutor for Tutors a shot. Heck, no matter how organized you are there’s bound to be times when keeping track of all your tutoring duties is overwhelming, so having a handy app can assist you. 

Students can use MyTutor to find available tutors with booking times that work with their schedule. Once they request a session, the app with notify you giving you the chance to accept or decline the appointment. Having an app keep track of your available times will help you be more efficient with your time. 

There’s no need to solicit your services or depend on word of mouth when you can be found via MyTutor. Using an app to keep track of everything may seem strange at first, but you probably already keep track of things via your calendar on your phone, and keeping your tutoring commitments separate from your everyday life could be really beneficial. 


tutor apps Socratic logo

There are many ways to help your students become highly successful, but what happens if a student brings in work that you are unfamiliar with? That can be a challenging situation, especially if you don’t know where to turn to in order to find the answer and how to best teach that skill in the future. 

Insert the Socratic App, using your phone you can take a picture of the problem (truly, any problem) and the app will provide you with solutions. Not only will the app give the answer to the problem but it will also break it down step by step, so you and your student can learn how to solve that problem going forward. 

Any app that can help a student learn for themselves is worthy of being listed. Getting a correct answer is great, but if you can’t repeat the skill then you haven’t actually learned anything. 

With advanced skills like Chemistry and Calculus supported, Socratic can help you with classes like History and English as well. While you won’t want to rely on Socratic to do your job for you, it will ease your mind knowing that just in case you aren’t sure how to explain a concept the app is there to back you up. 

woman using tutor apps on tablet5 Awesome Tutor Apps You Should Know

When you are looking for a way to help engage your students and quiz them on the information you have been teaching them, then look no further than Kahoot. Since we know that when children are playing games they can learn better, this application makes learning even more fun. 

After you’ve taught your students in whatever material they need to know prior to their school testing, you can create quizzes and challenges that can be played live from multiple devices if you have a whole study group of kids or they can also play by themselves from a single device if you tutor one-on-one. 

Not only will your kids earn points for correct answers, but they will also earn points for the speed at which they answer the questions. So don’t be surprised if your students are chomping at the bit to get to play. Rated highly by both students and teachers alike, this app is a wonderful option to have on hand as a tutor.  

Lectures and recordings are wonderful tools to help you become an exceptional tutor, but when you need to include a visual component to aid your instruction, you need to find an app that can help your students look back on what they’ve learned and that’s where Explain Everything comes in. 

Explain Everything is like powerpoint meets a whiteboard, and not only can you record your drawings and notes in real-time but students can then take their own screenshots based on what information seems to resonate with them. They can then create their own presentation videos so they can repeat the information back to you. 

When you use Explain Everything, it offers students a chance to collaborate, which can enhance their learning and teamwork skills. It also increases understanding by offering students a place to manipulate their coursework into a way that best makes sense for each individual. No longer do you need to tailor each lecture for each student when they can do it themselves! 

When you use Symbaloo for your visual bookmarking, you can create boards, similar to Pinterest, but in a way that reflects what you want your students to learn, and full of resources that will best help them. 

Keeping all of your educational bookmarks in one place is wonderful, but with Symbaloo you can also keep them sorted by grade level. You wouldn’t want or need your Kindergarten students to have access to advanced calculus resources so being able to properly curate each home screen (or Webmix in Symbaloo’s terms) is vital to your success as a tutor. 

When you use Symbaloo, your students know exactly what they are allowed to use during your time together and they will be restricted to those applications you have deemed useful and relevant. The best part is while you can share your Webmixes with other tutors, they are private by default. 

By creating these bookmarks for them, your students won’t have to type in their own links to find what they’re looking for. If you’ve ever forgotten a backslash and wound up somewhere else, you know that Symbaloo is going to save you time in the long run. Especially if you want your students to read specific material ahead of your session, Symbaloo will be invaluable. 

Tutor Apps – Conclusion

You already know you are a great tutor who wants to best reach out and help your students learn more, so by jumping into the world of apps for private tutors, you can expand your services and even find new students who will learn more completely with your aid. 

When you use apps you can make the most of your time, and since these tutor apps will keep the materials and lectures for you, you won’t have to reteach the same thing over and over again for every student. Being able to offer personalized lessons without extra effort makes using apps for your business the best option. Enjoy figuring out how these tutor apps work, you won’t regret it! 

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