Tuesday, 14 May 2024

14 Best Habit Tracker Apps in 2022 (Free & Paid)

Developing new habits or breaking bad ones take time and effort.

Habits are all about behavioural change. At first, you have to consciously apply effort to perform a new behaviour.

But the human brain is a highly efficient computer. It knows when you’re trying to achieve something repeatedly, and it helps you in doing so. The longer you perform a new habit consistently, the more subconscious the behaviour becomes, and the less effort you need to put to perform it.

Habit tracker apps can help you in this journey, to help keep track and visualize your progress, as well as be mindful and aware of whenever you might stumble. A lot of them have free plans, which means you can try them out without taking out your wallet.

Whether you want to use a simple and straightforward app, or something with more features and complexity, we have gathered the best habit tracker apps available on the internet.

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