Monday, 6 May 2024

‎2 Player Games : the Challenge



I would love if you could add a multiplayer mode where you could play against a random other player. (If you don’t know how to play chess, you probably won’t understand the following.) Could you please fix the chess? As far as I know, the king shouldn’t be able to move to a spot that puts him in check, and checkmate is when the king is in check but has no legal moves, therefore the opponent wins. The king cannot be taken, the game is supposed to end as soon as the king is checkmated, because it’s illegal for the king to put himself in check/checkmate. And please make the chess bot harder! Usually the first move in chess would be “e6” aka the pawn in front of the king. Then you would move the knight and bishop out and then castle. Please add castling, as it is (as far as I know) a very important part of chess and is included in many chess apps and chess tournaments. And also in the mini game “bot fight” you can just not move at all and no laser/spikes hit you, therefore you can win easily against the easy, medium, and hard bot. And in the snake game (I don’t remember what it’s called) when you play it in hard mode, the bot just copies what your snake is doing, so it’s almost impossible to beat. Five stars though because it doesn’t have too many ads and is very fun and well made.

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