Thursday, 16 May 2024

NeedUNow: Emergency Contact App you Need to Download – iPhoneGlance

Many of us often set our smartphones to Silent mode. However, during time-sensitive scenarios or an emergency, it would be hard for people to contact you. The NeedUNow: Urgent Alerts solves this problem, so you can always receive emergency messages. Not only that, but it also makes sure you are able to get the attention of your contact in a flash. If someone is sending an urgent message, the audible notification will tell you about it, although your phone is at Silent mode. This app works in the background, so it won’t intrusively reduce your experience. NeedUNow: Urgent Alerts app works for both Android and iOS devices, so it’s possible to perform cross-platform communication. This app can be used in both household or professional settings. Parents, caregivers, coaches, medical employees, and business professionals often need to send urgent messages to others.

You can download NeedUNow: Urgent Alerts in the respective app stores for iOS and Android. After installed, you need to sync your contacts and define who will be contacted, should there be an emergency. The messaging feature works well for both mobile operating systems. There shouldn’t be any lag when sending messages from different platforms, such as from iPhone to Android, and vice versa. NeedUNow is a lightweight app with zero clutter on your device. For most users, it should work better as expected, because it could effectively override Silent mode to prevent any lag in communication. It works quickly even on low-end smartphones, which is a bonus for people with older devices bought five or six years ago.

It is highly recommended for all family members to install NeedUNow on their devices, so they can always be in full contact with one another. Because this app works using Internet access, communication can always be established although the cellular network isn’t available. When creating a new account, users only need to type in their name, phone number, and password. Make sure that you allow notification from the app. If you want to add a contact, just type in the user’s code. The code can be shared using email, text messaging or any instant messaging app. Once you enter the code, the contact will be automatically added and you can immediately send audible alerts.

The app is for up to a couple of contacts. The standard plan allows you to add 10 contacts for $0.99 per month or $9.99 per year. You can add unlimited contacts with the advanced plan for $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year. This is a small investment for one potentially life-changing app. Finally, you can connect better with loved ones, co-workers and other important individuals. You need to immediately share the NeedUNow app with people who you care most. You will never know when there’s a potential emergency that can affect the well being of your loved ones. NeedUnow is very simple to install and the basic version is free, so there’s no reason not to try it.

Available on Google Play and iOS.

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