Friday, 19 Apr 2024


What is BeReal?

“BeReal users post a picture, called a “BeReal,” within a random 2-minute window each day from wherever they are, doing whatever they’re doing.” CNET. Read more details below!

App Category: Social Media

APP Store rating: 

How does BeReal work?

  • The app sends users

    a notification at a random time during the day

    . Once you’ve received that notification,

    you have a 2-minute window to post a photo

    . Photos disappear from BeReal after 24 hours.

  • Who can see your pictures?

    BeReal shows your picture to your friends who have submitted their own BeReals

    by default


    You can also choose to share your picture PUBLICLY

    , but only those who have also shared a BeReal picture during that day’s picture window will see it.

  • What happens if you miss the 2-minute window on BeReal?

    Nothing. No streaks. No follower counts. You just miss seeing your friends’ BeReals from that 2-minute window.

  • Can you edit your BeReal picture?


    This is something that new users love. No filters! But you can delete it if you don’t like it.

  • Can you post outside the 2-minute window?

    Yes! But BeReal will tell your friends in the push notification that you were late. Shame!

  • How do you add friends on BeReal?

    You can search the Discover tab for usernames, or add your contacts from your phone.

Does BeReal have any risks? Yes, a few stand out:

  • Could my child add a friend who they don’t know on BeReal?

    Sure, similar to other social networks.

  • Could someone send an inappropriate photo on BeReal?

    Sure, this is a real risk.

  • Is BeReal addictive?

    There’s 2 sides to this. When you receive the glaring warning that the 2-minute window has started, your brain fires off some stress hormones.

    There’s anxiety.

    On the other side of the equation, you can quickly view your friends’ BeReal photos. This can last minutes or longer, depending on how many comments and reactions you add. Thumbing through the PUBLIC feed can be addictive, feeling a little like the Instagram Explore feed. BeReal touts itself as the anti-scroll, but some users report fascination with the public feed.

  • Does BeReal share my location?


    Geo-location is ON by default, which is a bummer.

    This means if you decide to post your BeReal to the public Discover feed, then you risk showing your location to strangers.

How to turn off location sharing on BeReal:

  • When posting your BeReal, in the bottom part of the screen you’ll see a location icon.
  • Tap on this location icon – you will be able to turn location off.
  • Now your location in BeReal is disabled. It’s simple!

The bottom line: is BeReal safe?

BeReal is social media, but a slightly less intense version. Slightly less pressure to perform. Slightly less temptation to scroll mindlessly. Not quite a squeaky clean as it markets itself to be as the “anti-TikTok” or “anti-Instagram,” and kids will want to try it. We just don’t like the geo-location sharing. Now you know what it’s all about!

2 amazing ways to keep tabs on an app like BeReal:

  1. registering to receive our free, PYE Download newsletter.

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