Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Check out how to kick people off your WiFi

What Are the Possible Consequences for Someone Who Is on My WiFi?

When an unauthorized user accesses a computer network, he or she might be committing a real crime, depending on which legal code the unauthorized user falls under. For example, unauthorized access, modification, or impairment of data held in a computer system is a federal offence under Australia’s Criminal Code Act 1995.

In Japan, accessing a wireless LAN network without authorization is not a crime, even if the network is protected with a password. In the United States, there are various federal and state laws addressing the issue of unauthorized access to wireless networks, with some laws requiring monetary damages and others criminalizing the mere unauthorized access of a network.

Most people who access WiFi networks without authorization don’t realize that they could be committing a crime, so a simple warning is often enough to scare away most intruders. If you live in an apartment building, you could, for example, post a sign saying, “I know about the person who is connected to my network, and I also know that WiFi stealing is a punishable crime”.

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