Friday, 17 May 2024

How to Spy on iPhone Without Jailbreak?

hacIn a digital world, it is hard to keep an eye on the safety of our loved ones. And this gets even harder when iPhones are involved. Most often, people believe that you can’t monitor an iPhone without jailbreaking the device. But it’s not necessary, and we’ll show you why that is.

What is Jailbreaking, and Why is It so Risky?

In simple terms, jailbreaking means taking control of the iPhone’s operating system. This way, you can maneuver the security restriction employed by Apple.

This allows you to install apps that might not be on the Apple store. You can also modify the settings of the device that might otherwise not be available to you.

But there are good reasons why jailbreaking is considered risky:

  • Jailbreaking iPhone nulls its warranty.
  • You can no longer receive software updates provided by Apple
  • There is a risk of bricking the device
  • Your device will be much more unguarded against attacks and malware.

It is because of these risks that jailbreaking is only recommended for developers. Most people don’t want these dangers, and rightfully so.

How to Monitor iPhone Without Jailbreaking?

Even though people believe you can’t go through an iPhone’s defenses without jailbreaking, it’s not true. Technology has advanced enough to give an upper hand. You can actually use an iPhone’s iCloud account to track cell phone.

But before we move any further, you should know that you’ll need the following to spy on an iPhone through iCloud:

  • iCloud credentials (ID and Password)
  • iCloud backup feature enabled on the target phone

Guide to Using iCloud

If you know the iCloud credentials of the target device and know that iCloud backup is also enabled on that device, you can easily check all the backed-up information. This will include all recent text messages, emails, internet history, shared media, and GPS location.

So, if you’re wondering how to spy on iPhone without jailbreak, you can easily do it by:

  • Opening on your device.
  • Log in to iCloud with the target device’s credentials.
  • You may be asked to merge devices. In this case, do so, and you will be able to see all the backup information associated with the account.

Even though this method is completely free, it can only tell you so much. It won’t give you access to other things such as social media or call history etc. And you can’t monitor your loved ones in real-time. You’ll have to wait for the backup to happen.

Why is mSpy More Effective?

While spying on a device with iCloud is completely free of charge and doesn’t need jailbreak, it’s still limited. In a lot of cases, you need additional information to keep your family and friends safe. So, in that case, we have found a better option for you: mSpy.

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