Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

How to find facebook profile of a 8 ball pool player – Creazine Technology

If you always wondered to have a chat with the player you’re playing in 8 ball pool game online, then this post is interesting for you. In this post I will show you a way to find out “8 Ball Pool” player’s Facebook profile just by using his profile picture.


There should be a profile picture of player which will be associated with Facebook.

Step 1:

Open up player’s profile, You should see a Unique ID just note that down.

Picture showing Player’s unique ID

Step 2:

Go to and type that unique ID in search box.

Signup with Facebook



Type this url in address bar:

replace Xs with player’s Unique ID in our case it will be:

Note: Url should not be like (remove all hyphens)

Step 3:

Open the 8 ball profile of player. Now right click on picture and open the profile picture in new tab.

Picture showing player’s picture being opened.

8ball pool creazine

Step 4:

There will be a unique facebook picture ID in the link as highlighted in picture below. Copy this picture ID.

Picture showing highlighted picture ID

Step 5:

Type a url in address bar as follows:”picture id”

in our case it will be:

then hit “enter” and you will be inside player’s Facebook profile.

Picture showing player’s facebook profile picture album

fb album image creazine


You have done it.

Note: Profiles with modified privacy options can not be
reached with this method but this happens rarely so don’t worry.

That’s it! you can have your conversation with player.

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