Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Maynu’s Weekly Lottery Predictions: for Pick 3 Win 3 Big 3 Cash 3 Daily 3: Maynu, Ama, of Numbers, 999 Book, 999, S.B.I.P.: 9781544696515: Books

This book is great for weekly predictions! On the first day of receiving it, it had the midday draw of 839 in NY in X83 and 8X3. Just fill in the X with a number from 0-9 and in this draw it was 9. And I did a brief back test for the last week in Nov and found 11 hits for that week with the numbers listed for that period. Now those who say that they have gotten no hits ever from this book, this must be bcuz they don’t know how to play the pick 3 using rundowns and date numbers and just relies on this book for the numbers as written.

If you do that, you won’t get any hits, bcuz this book is for serious pick 3 players who use rundowns and other tools to track the numbers. The lottery commission can’t make it that easy to win. You just buy a lottery book and win. For any lottery book to be helpful, you have to be familiar with using rundowns and date numbers and reading the results correctly. Which takes developing skill. And this book I found to be accurate for where to look on your rundowns for the next draw. With the numbers listed, one number in the next draw may be off by a count of 2 or 3. Like for example, 659 may appear in the book as 665. Two numbers are there and one is off by a count of 3, from 6 to 9.

So the book is a useful indicator of the next draw, and sometimes it will appear whole, like in my backtest, 036 came out and 306 was in the list for that week. Which you can find in rundowns if you’re into using them. So you have to have something to work with besides a lottery book alone. Don’t go by the reviews saying they haven’t had any hits. It’s for people who are really into playing. So I recommend this book for serious pick 3 players who use rundowns or number grids.

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