Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

NV Access

Millions of People

There are 285 million blind & vision impaired people in the world. They all have amazing gifts to contribute to society, but they need the right tools to realise their dreams.

Technology Is The Key

Technology opens up so many doors. But for those of us without sight, computers don’t work straight out of the box. Software called a “screen reader” is needed to translate visual information verbally, so we can make sense of what is on screen.

The Issue

Unfortunately many screen readers cost thousands of dollars — often more than the computer itself. This holds millions of people back from affording to use a computer and discovering their potential.

A Free Solution

We have spent the last 12 years developing the global solution: a free, high quality screen reader, accessible to all!
We have already enabled 100,000+ people to gain freedom, education and employment!

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