Sunday, 5 May 2024

PDF Audio Reader | Speechify

There are many different PDF voice readers you can find today, and some of them can be incredible. But if you are looking to make PDF files even more accessible, you can always use additional tools. 


These tools will allow you to listen to the content in the PDF without having to read it by yourself. And it is an excellent way to improve the accessibility of your documents. 

Where to listen to a PDF?

Are you someone who often uses PDF files? If this is the case, you will need a PDF reader. PDF readers are apps designed to open, edit, sign, and modify in various ways PDF files. And there are countless different options. 


You can use your browser, Google Drive, Adobe, Foxit, and many others. When it comes to listening to PDF files, there are two important things for you to understand. Firstly, it is possible to add audio files to PDF documents. 


If you want to read these, you will use a built-in player, and you will be able to hear the sound via the speakers. Using this option is quite easy, and it will be quite clear that the document includes audio. But this is not the only way to listen to PDFs. 


You can also use various text-to-speech tools for your device to read aloud the document. Text-to-speech or TTS apps are designed to improve accessibility, and almost every modern device has them. By turning on your TTS tool, you will be able to listen to a PDF file. 

What are my options to listen to a PDF?

As you can see, there are two different ways to listen to a PDF. The only difference is that the first method works only if the creator of the PDF included an audio file. The second one works in every single scenario. 


If you are interested in trying out TTS tools, you should know that there are plenty of different apps you can check out. And it is up to you to choose which one you like the most. Here are some of the best text-to-speech apps you can find today. 

OS text to speech

Those that are looking for the simplest solution can use text-to-speech on their device. These apps are available for Android devices, iOS (both iPhone and iPad), Windows, Mac, and any other platform you can imagine. 


Even the earliest versions of Microsoft Windows had a speech generator. One of the main downsides of TTS apps included in the package is that they often sound robotic. Many users would like to have a natural-sounding voice but opt for the easy way to approach the issue. 


The location of these apps is usually in Settings in the Accessibility section. But the exact location will vary based on the OS you are using. 


TTS tools are designed to improve the accessibility of the device and assist visually impaired users and those that have reading disabilities. And based on the operating system you are using, you will have the app designed by Apple, Microsoft, or Google. 


NaturalReader is an app many people use. You can use it both online and offline, and it is available on various platforms. If you are looking for a free text-to-speech tool, NaturalReader is a decent option.


The app offers a surprising amount of functionalities considering it has a free version, and you can adjust it to your liking. This includes the option to choose the interface you like, and use different languages, fonts, and other customization options. 


You can also use NaturalReader with your browser, and it is available on smartphones as well. It is also possible to check the app using the free trial period and pick one of the subscription plans after the trial is over. 


All things considered, NaturalReader can be a decent alternative for your built-in text-to-speech apps, and it can help you with your PDFs. 


For those users that want to take it a step further, the best option is Speechify. It is one of the best TTS apps you can find today, and there are so many different features you can use with PDFs. 


Firstly, the quality of voices is exceptional. Each voice you choose will sound as realistic as real voice actors, and that’s just the beginning. The app is easy to use, you can adjust reading speed, and it even has a built-in OCR if you want to convert images to voice. 


The users can also choose between fourteen different languages, and the options include English, Spanish, Italian, German, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and many others. Furthermore, some of the languages allow you to choose accents to further customize the experience. 


One of the most interesting additions is that you can choose Gwyneth Paltrow as your AI voice, and for each txt, docx, RTF, PDF, or epub file you use with Speechify, you will hear her voice. Having a famous actress read the text to you will make it sound even more realistic. 


All of these customization options and features are the reason why millions of users chose Speechify. The app is great for e-learning and multitasking, and it is a perfect option for auditory learners. 


Speechify also works on any HTML web page, and you can install a Chrome extension. This will allow you to read PDFs through your browser, and use Speechify extension to turn them into audio. 


Those that decide to make a Speechify account can share various file types between multiple devices, and even store and load files from Dropbox, iCloud, or Google Drive. 


How do I download a PDF reader?

Finding a PDF reader is quite simple. But you will need to choose which one you want to use. There are so many different options today, and almost every device has a built-in PDF reader. 

You can open PDF files in your browser, through Google Drive, or choose one of the best PDF viewers such as Adobe Reader, Foxit, and many others. Naturally, you can download a PDF reader for your smartphone, PC, tablet, and anything else.

Can a PDF play audio?

Yes. It is possible to add an audio file to your PDF. Using programs such as Adobe Acrobat X Pro allows you to add audio files, videos, and even Flash files. The app will convert it to a suitable format, and you will be able to play it through the PDF. 

But if the document doesn’t have audio files included in it, you won’t be able to hear the document. Unless you use a text-to-speech tool. 

How do I listen to a PDF file?

The simplest way to hear the text written in your PDF file is to use text-to-speech apps. These apps allow your device to read aloud anything written in it, and the quality can be incredible. 


Especially if you go for one of the best apps such as Speechify. Once you open the document, all you need to do is highlight the text, hit the play button, and Speechify will read it to you. The app supports various file formats, and it offers high-quality voices. 

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