Sunday, 19 May 2024

Sell Used Books Online | Ziffit

Just enter the ISBNs or scan in the barcodes using the Ziffit app to find out how much your books are worth. It really couldn’t be easier.

Selling your books online has never been easier. All you need to do is enter the ISBNs or scan the barcodes with the Ziffit app, and you’ll get an instant valuation.

We offer great prices across a huge range of titles. If you have a stack of books that you no longer want, why not sell them with Ziffit? As long as your books are in good, readable condition, we’ll be able to take them off your hands.

So, are you ready to trade in your unwanted books and earn some extra cash? If you’re downsizing or decluttering, we can help. Earn money and clear some space in your home by flipping books with Ziffit.

How do I sell my books online?

We know that selling your stuff online isn’t always easy. That’s why we’ve made sure that selling your books with Ziffit is as effortless as possible.

It couldn’t be simpler to sell your books with us. Scan your ISBNs, pack up your trade, print and attach your label, and send in your trade with FedEx. Did we mention that the whole process is entirely FREE? Ziffit is a no-hassle, no-cost way to sell your used books online.

Use either the Ziffit website or download the Ziffit app, scan your books and, if you’re happy with the offers, complete your trade.

At checkout, you can choose how you’d like to be paid.

We currently offer:

  • Bank transfers
  • PayPal payments

What types of books can I sell to Ziffit?

The quickest way to find out is to scan your barcodes, or enter your ISBNs. If we can accept your book, we’ll let you know by offering you a price.

We accept a wide range of titles, so make sure to scan through all of your unwanted books. Of course we can’t accept everything, but it’s always worth scanning to see.

What condition do my books need to be in?

We are happy to receive used books, so don’t worry if yours aren’t brand new. However, our aim is to rehome the books that we buy, so that they can be read over and over again. Therefore, your books will be manually checked on arrival at Ziffit by our team.

To find out more about what condition your books need to be in, make sure to read our condition guidelines. It’s best to be realistic about the condition of your books, so that you can avoid any disappointment, if we have to reject them.

We cannot return any books that have been rejected because they were in poor condition.

We will responsibly recycle any items that we have not been able to accept. This is important to us, as a B Corp, a company who believes in using business as a force for good in the world.

What is an ISBN?

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. Each book has this unique code which is made up of either 10 or 13 digits. You can usually find the ISBN printed on the back cover of your book. You can enter the ISBN or scan the barcode on your book for a free instant quote.

Find out more about ISBNs here.

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