Friday, 26 Apr 2024

ThinkUp: Positive Affirmations | One Mind PsyberGuide

Overall Score: Acceptable

Does the app have a privacy policy?: Yes

Does the privacy policy describe the information storage and sharing procedures related to user entered information, OR state that user information is stored locally?: Yes

Does the privacy policy state that the app/server encrypts/de-identifies the entered data OR state that user information is stored locally?: Yes

Does the app provide the option of a pin entry or log-in process to view and enter user data?: Yes

Does the privacy policy state whether or not users can use the app WITHOUT entering identifiable information, OR state that user information is stored locally?: Yes

Does the privacy policy state whether or not users can delete entered information OR state that user information is stored locally?: Yes

Does the privacy policy state whether or not users can edit entered information OR state that user information is stored locally?: Yes

Learn more about the
Transparency Rating

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