Monday, 13 May 2024

‎Vrbo Vacation Rentals



We booked a week in Florida as I’ve done many times with vrbo. when we got there late the evening of check-in we checked our beds as we always do for bedbugs. this is the first and only time that we found any. Obvious immediate panic, immediately moved all of our stuff back out of the rental luckily nothing had been touching the beds. rented a Holiday Inn room for the evening so at least we were out of the bed bug houseAnd could figure out our next move. At first it seemed like vrbo may not help us, luckily the owner of the property immediately sent out pest control, verified that it was a bedbug, and then said that we could not come back to the house so had to refund our money. so no problems with the refund and we booked a new place through vrbo, moved on with our vacation. A few weeks after returning from our vacation VRBO contacted me to let me know that they didn’t think that we had received our full refund and that due to their Homeaway guarantee we could get reimbursed for the hotel that we had to pay for and for any overage from the new rental that we had to purchase. Turns out there was not an overage but we did receive a refund for the hotel that we had to stay in. Very surprised by vrbo customer service that they contacted us and didn’t just let it go. Well done vrbo!! The post experience has definitely renewed my view of VRBO and I will continue to use them for future services.

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