Monday, 6 May 2024

BVS Solitaire Collection App Review | Free apps for Android and iOS

BVS Solitaire Collection App Review


Are you a solitaire enthusiast who never stops searching for a good game? Well, we have a perfect app called BVS Solitaire Collection. It’s top-notch, unique, and has a lot of features you will not find in any other app. You must be intrigued already, so let’s see what the creators of this app have on their sleeve.

What is more, if you want to explore more interesting games where you and your friends can play together you can check out this list.

BVS Solitaire collection has over 500 different game variations suitable for everyone.  You can find there your old-time favorites like Spider, Pyramid, Klondike, Russian Solitaire, Yukon, and many more.


To spice up your life a bit there are also over 100 unique games you won’t get anywhere else. It will keep you entertained for hours! Moreover, there is a modification option meaning you can change the game rules by yourself to create an entirely new game variation.

This amazing award-winning app also provides a great Help feature explaining all the rules as you go. If you happen to forget the definition of some solitaire terms don’t hesitate to use this feature. It tells you if the level of the chosen game is either Easy, Medium, or Difficult, which we find pretty handy.

Also, each time you open the game the Tip-of-the-Day option pops up and you can scroll the list to see all the tips. So if you are a beginner or just a little bit forgetful nothing will stop you from enjoying the game.

BVS solitaire has some pretty awesome customization options. Of course, you can choose the background, it goes without saying! Pick the custom-made wallpaper from the app itself or choose your own preferred pic.


And if the card backs are not good enough for you to change their design too. Not so many applications allow you to do that. Your options are endless, it’s a really playful app.

Visually the application is stunning and the graphics are very clear and sharp. It has large icons for essential buttons like Move, Undo, Auto-Complete, Help, and Statistics.

Do you remember the good old solitaire that you were playing on your PC? If you’re curious there is a lot of games nowadays which are suitable both for mobile devices and PC.

So there is no need to take out your reading glasses. You have to agree that the solitaire game requires some focus and concentration, that’s why the thoughtful creators of the app didn’t include music, it gets pretty annoying sometimes. But don’t worry, of course, they provided the sound effects.


For competitive types, there is a set of statistical and scoring screens to monitor the performance and progress in playing. And if you feel a bit adventurous you can publish your stats online and compare it with the results of the players all over the world. It will be a good motivation to improve yourself, don’t you think?

Keeping all of these amazing options in mind we can definitely say that the BVS Solitaire Collection PAP is one of the best apps on the market.

In case you want to diversify your leisure time and switch from gaming to something else, you can check out our best football streaming apps to watch the tournaments with your favorite team!

If you are a new-born amateur or a weathered professional this game will never cease to bore you. Having over 500 game variations means you can play a new game every day for a year and then some! We won’t keep you from the game anymore, go ahead and install it.


Daria Sauline

Daria Sauline

App enthusiast, an experienced Android and iOS user

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