Sunday, 5 May 2024

Find Your Voice: Top Free Text-To-Speech Apps for Adults

Speech technology has rapidly improved since the start of the century. Speech technology is the assistive software that reads digital text aloud or transcribes speech into text. You’ve most likely ran across this sort of technology before; Siri, Alexa, and GPS voices are making text-to-speech & speech-to-text software mainstream. It is as reliable as ever. With so many apps to choose from, it can be overwhelming trying to find a perfect match.

Find your voice with our list of the top free text-to-speech apps for adults.

Talk Free is a popular text-to-speech app with over 5,000,000+ installs. This app will speak whatever you type, with multiple language options. It can also import any text from different apps. Available on Android devices.

TK Solution TTS is a very straightforward app. Its simple design makes it easy to type in your desired speech. TK Solution also allows you to change the speed and pitch of the voice, making it easy to customize to your liking. Available on Android devices.

Live Transcribe is an accessibility app specifically designed for the deaf and hard of hearing. Using its automatic speech recognition technology, this app can perform real time transcription of speech and sound. It’s also very easy to reply by typing your own words. Available on Android devices.

Text to Speech offers a natural sounding voice, with a lot of different customizations for the voice speaking for you. You can also save favorite sayings for easy access. Available on Apple devices.

 NaturalReader is a great app with a lot of functionality. You can use NaturalReader to read not only text typed on your screen, but also documents, PDFs, eBooks, and more. Available on Apple and Android devices.

Text-to-speech and speech-to-text technology has boundless benefits and possibilities. With easier and easier accessibility to these types of apps, we encourage people with hearing or speech disabilities to continue conversation with new technologies. You can learn more about these kind of tools in our Technology section of the blog:

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