Monday, 29 Apr 2024

Positive Reviews: Goalist: Daily Planner, To-Do, – by Anna Bujacz – Productivity Category – 10 Similar Apps & 1,209 Reviews – AppGrooves: Save Money on Android & iPhone Apps

I am eagerly learning how to set up Goalist. It may seem complicated at first but it is super well designed and the videos and blogposts are very helpful. So far almost every ‘problem’ I saw with the app at first has immediately evaporated once I found out the intent or method behind it or changed a setting somewhere (there are so many configuration options! difficult to find until you know where to look, but great). I do have a couple of glitchy-seeming issues though, I can work around these but perhaps the developers would appreciate knowing: 1) the arrows to nudge a task up and down do not work as intended; I have to re-select the task for each arrow press (this is of course very time-consuming if, say, i need to move one task from the bottom to the top of the list) Incidentally, is drag-and-drop not an option for re-ordering tasks? I wondered if there was some specific rationale behind it not being used here. 2) the same problem is true of the plus/minus 5 minute nudge buttons: these only work for one press before becoming inactive until I de-select then re-select the task. A little tedious. Perhaps, much like the re-ordering, a dragging option could also be a consideration for this function? Nevertheless a wonderfully designed system which I look forward to putting into practice. Thank you

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