Tuesday, 14 May 2024

‎Habit Tracker

Queen arts, games and crafts


So I just recently downloaded this app and it’s great. Overall the app is very good and I like how you don’t have to pay if you don’t want to. You can do pretty much everything the same even if you pay or not. The only difference is you get like better notification. I’m trying to keep this short, but I only have 4 goals/ habits set. So I don’t know what really happens when you do a larger amount. You have a large variety of habits to pick from. I personally use the drink water, stretch, exercise, and eat fruits. I use these to try to keep a healthier body. You can set times you want to be notified and times of how longer or what days. Overall it is a very good app and I recommend it to anyone who needs a app for this kind of stuff. Before I found this app I tried many different apps and you had to pay for over 3 goals. So once I downloaded this I was very impressed. One minor problem of mine is that you can’t write/ make your own goals. But there is a large variety to pick from so there should be no problem of finding a goal to set. It’s a great app and if you do want to pay for the premium it’s very cheap. I recommend thanks for the great app !!!

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