Monday, 20 May 2024

Sound Storm | Spatial Processing App | Download Now

SOUND STORM (the game)

Working with a wealth of clinical research and expertise, we’ve developed Sound Storm – an innovative application designed to remediate cases of Spatial Processing Disorder in school-aged children.

Sound Storm wraps the science of a clinical remediation algorithm around a fun and compelling game – one that combines multiple reward mechanics with a rich and captivating narrative.

While progressing through the game, children who present with Spatial Processing Disorder are challenged to use spatial and binaural cues (the inter-aural timing and intensity differences which cue where sounds are coming from) to listen to target speech while filtering out distracting background noise.

The Hero

The player follows the exciting adventures of Suno, a young brave lion, on an epic quest to save the galaxy from the destructive and chaotic Sound Storm.

As Suno progresses through the game, various rewards, powers and worlds are unlocked.


Suno’s challenge is to save the galaxy by rescuing the wise princess, Nala, who has been imprisoned by a malevolent foe. Using her magical powers, she projects her voice to Suno, guiding him through his journey to rescue her.


The wicked Drokon, in his mission to take over the galaxy, has cruelly imprisoned the wise princess, Nala, and unleashed the powerful and destructive Sound Storm.

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